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Standard Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers

Standard (BC) Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers Use, Classification and Model Designs

Standard Dry Chemical fire extinguishers use a sodium bicarbonate-based extinguishing agent to combat Class B and Class C fires. This was the first of the dry chemical agents that was developed. This type of fire extinguishing agent is not recommended for use on sensitive electric equipment. It is used to put out fires caused by flammable liquids (Class B) and energized electrical equipment (Class C) fires. The chemical agent is stored under pressure using dry nitrogen gas.

Typical uses include flammable liquid fires in commercial kitchens, parking garages, manufacturing facilities, research facilities, military service centers, auto dealerships, boats, vehicles, etc. See the information below for descriptions of Class B and Class C fires of which Standard BC dry chemical fire extinguishers are effective in providing protection against.

Breakdown of Class B and Class C Fires

Class B Fires

Class B fires consist of the burning of flammable liquids or gasses. Class B fires are common in the kitchens of homes where grease and cooking oils may catch fire, and in a variety of settings where flammable liquids are used or stored. DO NOT THROW WATER ONTO CLASS B FIRES as it cannot extinguisher them and can splatter the inflamed liquid and spread the fire.

Other flammable liquids and gasses that are considered fuel of Class B Fires include petroleum greases, oil-based paints, tars, alcohol, and some solvents.

Class C Fires

Class C Fires consist of “energized electrical equipment”. Examples of Class C fires are those that occur in electrical outlets and cords, home appliances, electrical panel boxes, computers, servers, motors, power tools, and any other source that may be energized or electrical.

Note: By removing the power or energized electrical source, the fire is then no longer considered a Class C fire, but rather a Class A or B fire depending on the fuel source that is burning.

Standard BC Dry Chemical Portable Fire Extinguishers

Potable fire extinguishers are designed mostly for homes, offices, vehicles, boats, and community places. If you would like to read more about portable fire extinguishers, check out our other articles titled: Understanding Portable Fire Extinguishers – Use and Limitations”, “How to Operate a Fire Extinguisher”, or “Types of Fire Extinguishers and Their Uses”. proudly carries a variety of Dry Chemical BC Class portable fire extinguishers that are designed for the home, businesses and public settings. Click HERE To learn more.

Standard BC Dry Chemical Wheeled Fire Extinguishers
Wheeled fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish larger fires. Often found in industrial settings such as warehouses, office buildings and event centers.

If you would like to learn more about wheeled fire extinguishers, please read our other articles titled, “Specifications for Wheeled Fire Extinguishers”, “Wheeled Fire Extinguishers – Why and Where to Place Them” or “Wheeled Fire Extinguisher Parts and Components also carries Standard BC Dry Chemical wheeled fire extinguishers.

S-150-RG-36 Standard (Buckeye)

S-150-RG-36R Standard (Buckeye)

S-150-PT Standard (Buckeye)

S-350-RG (Buckeye)

S-350-RG-R (Buckeye)

S-350-PT (Buckeye)

S-350-PT-R (Buckeye)

Is there a difference between dry chemical and dry powder fire extinguishers?

Dry powder fire extinguishers are designed to fight Class D fires where the fuel source is combustible metals. The mechanism of extinguishing fires is by separating the fuel from the oxygen or by removing the heat from the fire triangle.

In contrast, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) dry chemical releases a cloud of carbon dioxide that smothers the fire, in essence, drives or separates oxygen from the fire stopping the chemical reaction.

Which is the best type of fire extinguisher for home kitchens, ABC vs BC fire extinguishers?

While ABC and BC fire extinguishers are designed to put out fires in the kitchen, it is generally recommended that a home-based kitchen be equipped with a multi-purpose fire extinguisher, such as ABC Class fire extinguishers. The reason for this is because fires in the kitchen can grow and burn cabinets, walls and carpet in and beyond the kitchen resulting in it becoming a Class A fire.